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Woodland Trails Cleanup

Published: at 01:00 PM

During this adventure, the Venturers went to Woodland Trails for a service project.

As some of you may know, Woodland Trails is home to our international camp SCOPE. In preperation for SCOPE we attended Woodland Trails many times through out the year to assist in its cleanup. Woodland Trails was hit by a tornado a few years back and is in rough shape. Woodland Trails has fallen trees, widowmakes, leaves everywhere, broken Tabins, broken KYBO’s and many other issues that needed to be adressed.

Leaf Cleanup

We started with removing the thick layers of leaves that had built up over time with rakes and a leaf blower, we worked to clear the camp’s sites and open areas. It felt great to see the space without all the leaves.

Splitting Wood

While the venturers did the leaves, the leaders tackled wood, turning them into firewood that will be used for campfires and to sell. It was hard work, but seeing the pile of neatly split and stacked wood was really satisfying.

Ongoing Effort

By the end of the weekend, we had made a solid start, but there was still more to do. We continued to return over the next few months, making steady progress each time. It’s been rewarding to see the gradual improvements and know that our efforts are helping to keep Woodland Trails in great shape for future scouts.

Thank you to all the groups who came out and helped during the service weekend.
